
Police powerless to do anything about campers in local parking lots, press release says

 Travellers returning to Canada through border crossings from the US have been seen Camping overnight in ‘Big Box” retailer parking lots in Cobourg recently.

The Cobourg Police Service has met with the management of some of our local business’s request they discourage permitting overnight camping to limit exposure to those who have travelled out of the Country who may choose to enter their stores to shop.

The Cobourg Police Service also recognizes that most of these travellers are driving great distances and are not able to safely get to their homes with stopping to rest.

The Government of Canada is currently recommending a 14-day isolation period for travellers to avoid spreading the novel coronavirus, however, there is no legislation that mandates self-isolation and Police do not have the ability to order the public to do it. 

There is currently nothing in any legislation that allows police to enforce self-isolation recommendations.  Retail parking lots where campers are staying are private property and as such the property owners would need to request assistance for Police to take any action.

The Cobourg Police will continue to work with all levels of Government and our local businesses to deal with issues as they arise.