
County honours its long-serving staffers

By Cecilia Nasmith

Long-serving Northumberland County employees got official recognition for milestone tenures at the July county-council meeting.

“It's a pleasure to celebrate today the hard work and dedication of 46 employees and recent retirees celebrating service milestones as long as 33 years,” Warden John Logel said.

“I want to express council's sincere appreciation for your years of dedicated service. The team here at county is certainly the organization's greatest asset, and it's important we take the time to express our gratitude for all that is best in our operation and the core values you demonstrate every day as part of your work, whether it's delivering front-line services to our residents or providing internal corporate support to our various teams.”

Chief administrative officer Jennifer Moore read the names, years and departments, ranging from Information Technology to Emergency Medical Services. Terms of service ranged from five to 30 years, and easily the department with the most employees recognized this way was the Golden Plough Lodge. Almost 20 were honoured, with terms of service ranging from five to 30 years.

Five recent retirees were also commended, having been on the job from nine to 33 years.

Moore commended the employees for exemplifying core values such as care and support, honesty and integrity innovation and excellence.

“For every new idea generated, every problem solved, every question or concern addressed, you have truly had an impact on our community,” she said.
“I see the public feedback that comes in on a daily basis to say, 'Good job.'”