Town of Cobourg announces new Community Safety Zones

Image courtesy of Northumberland County.

By Cecilia Nasmith, Northumberland 89.7 FM News


The Town of Cobourg's Public Works Division announces that new Community Safety Zone signage has been installed in the vicinities of St. Mary's Secondary School and Northumberland Christian School.

The announcement said this initiative is part of the town's commitment to enhancing safety for both community members and the school's children.

Last September, council approved Bylaw 052-2024 to establish additional Community Safety Zones for school properties fronting on public highways where roadway sections had been identified as posing special concerns to public safety.

The bylaw empowers the establishment of new speed limits and, accordingly, 40 km/hr speed signs have been installed on Densmore Road. Though St. Mary Secondary School's official address is 1050 Birchwood Trail, it has a significant entrance point on Densmore Road.

“These changes are essential for ensuring the safety of pedestrians and drivers alike,” the announcement said.

Cobourg Police Service reminds drivers to slow down and be alert near schools, crossing-guard locations, local parks and school buses. Community Safety Zones surround most schools, meaning that all Provincial Offence Notice fines issued in these areas are doubled.

Dan Jones

Dan Jones is a veteran radio and web journalist with 18 years in the news business. He has reported on Indigenous issues in Northern and Western Canada. This former News Director has covered provincial legislative politics in the Yukon and Saskatchewan.

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