Golden Plough Lodge came out well on Ministry inspection

Golden Plough Lodge. Photo by Jeff Gard, Northumberland 89.7 FM, LJI

By Cecilia Nasmith


Reporting on the Sept. 9 Ministry of Long-Term Care inspection, Golden Plough Lodge Administrator Alanna Clark told Northumberland County council's Community Health Committee on Tuesday that the news was good.

Results show that eight out of nine noncompliance orders from a previous inspection had been complied with “which is a huge achievement,” Clark said.

Her report detailed instances of non-compliance, which had to do with accessibility, cooling, staff training, communications and infection control.

“During the inspection exit interview, the inspectors were complimentary of the home, stating that GPL staff were friendly and welcoming,” the report said.

“They also stated information requested was provided in a timely manner, which was appreciated.”

Since that inspection, Clark said, there has been a subsequent inspection (findings to come at a later date), and the ninth item has also been complied with.

Dan Jones

Dan Jones is a veteran radio and web journalist with 18 years in the news business. He has reported on Indigenous issues in Northern and Western Canada. This former News Director has covered provincial legislative politics in the Yukon and Saskatchewan.

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