The municipality gives them four chunks of money throughout the year, and they take that and administer their budget.”
Vice-chair Adam Bureau said he'd been under the impression that the service was only taking over payroll, not all the financial operations.
“$70,000 just for payroll?” Pepper responded.
“I was in business, and I had an outside agency do our payroll, and it was a lot less than $70,000. It's the full financial management (being requested).”
Though he allowed that his business had fewer employees than the Cobourg Police Service, he expressed confidence that managing financial affairs in-house could be done for less than the town's bill.
And when he brought that proposal to the town, Pepper continued, “they asked for a Letter of Intent, and that is what I produced and what will be given to them.”
Bureau added that a recent council committee meeting had resulted in the $70,000 request being taken off the budget.
As for the Letter of Intent, Pepper added, “maybe the town will want it changed. But you have to start somewhere.”