20-11-2024 12:45 p.m.
Northumberland County
Northumberland County council has requested a number of reports that they hope will give them one last chance of avoiding a 9.76% tax increase, with a goal of holding it down to 6.5%
In struggles to hold down the 2025 county-tax increase, Northumberland County council will take one more kick at the can – though Warden Brian Ostrander described the effort as “squeezing the lemon very hard.”
The discussion began at this week's county council meeting with Director of Finance Matthew Nitsch's report that projected budget figures have changed since his Nov. 5 report, and the change is upwards.
At that point, budget projections called for a 8.58% increase after growth. Since then, there have been almost $600,000 in additional costs for the new shelter at 310 Division St., Cobourg, and a proposal to support the Art Gallery of Northumberland to the tune of $100,000.