Port Hope is ready for the holidays
14-11-2024 3:20 p.m.
Port Hope
Port Hope is getting ready for a few festive weeks, celebrating the holiday season in an amazing variety of ways
The weekend of Nov. 29 and 30 will find the Municipality of Port Hope bustling with holiday cheer as a variety of events kicks off the festive season.
The traditional Candlelight Walk will begin at 6 p.m. at 155 Walton St. to celebrate not only the season but also the resilience of the community and its downtown businesses during Phase 2 of the Walton Street reconstruction – in fact, this event marks the unofficial end of Phase 2, with only a few remaining tasks before its official completion.
Bring your own light – a lantern, a candle with a protective container, a battery-operated candle, a flashlight – or take advantage of a limited supply of flame- and battery-operated candles that will be available at the start of the walk. Participants are also invited to bring a donation of a non-perishable food item for the Fare Share food bank.
Young members of the SONG group will lead the carolling – you can find this year's carol list on the digital Candlelight Song Sheet web page.
The walk ends on Queen Street at Memorial Park, where there will be live music, hot cider and a countdown to the park lighting display. If you'd like a warm-up, drop into the Knights of Columbus Hall for hot chocolate and the official Walton Street Phase 2 Wrap-Up celebratory cake provided by Port Hope council.
Speaking of downtown, it's Moonlight Madness night, with participating stores and restaurants open late for the occasion. And the outdoor vendor market will be set up in Lent's Lane that evening from 4 to 9 p.m. Free transit will be available until 11 p.m. to help you enjoy the downtown a little longer that night.
This is also the evening the free horse-drawn carriage rides through the downtown begin, thanks to Top Notch Carriage Service, with pick-ups at the Walton Street bridge just east of Queenie's Bake Shop. Rides are available this evening from 5 to 8 p.m. (and thereafter from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays in December – the seventh, 14th and 21st).
All of this launches the annual Candlelight Festival, a showcase of the seasonal transformation of downtown Port Hope with its holiday shopping, dining, events and festive decor, running through Jan. 2.
And one of the biggest events comes on Nov. 30 at 1 p.m. with the 88th annual Santa Claus Parade, which starts at Ridout and Bramley streets, runs along Walton, then turns onto Queen and south to Augusta. Echoing this year's focus, the theme is Miracle on Walton Street. As you show up to enjoy the live music, floats and community spirit, please consider bringing along a non-perishable food item for Fare Share, as a collection will be available along the parade route.
This is just the beginning of the list, with the Capitol Theatre gearing up to show off their annual Festival of Lights and Trees, a local favourite since 1997. See the beautiful trees and lights from Nov. 22 through Dec. 22 and, while you're there, purchase your tickets for a variety of holiday concerts and another traditional favourite – the holiday panto (this year's feature is Rapunzel).
The Rotary Club of Port Hope is sponsoring Christmas light tours for seniors – one-hour bus tours available to ROLLS members and residents of Empire Crossing, Hope Street Terrace, Roseglen Village, Extendicare and Regency Park. Tours run from 5 to 8 p.m. Dec. 16 to 20, and you can book a spot by contacting the Transit Co-ordinator at 905-885-9891.
Tammie's Jammies is back, the annual Port Hope Police Service collection of new pajamas for children up to 18 years of age. Donation boxes will be located at all municipal offices and transit buses until Dec. 20.
There is also a variety of holiday-themed experience and activities available, including a free Festive Fun Day from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Town Park Recreation Centre, with crafts, games, refreshments and bouncy castles. Also at the Town Park Recreation Centre, Holiday Camps are planned for children aged four to 12 on Dec. 30 and 31 and on Jan. 2 and 3 – register soon, as spaces are limited.
And be sure to check the municipality's Seasonal Activities webpage for a list of festival holiday workshops and swimming, skating and gym schedules (with some dates and times offered free, thanks to local sponsors).