County development charge process includes virtual public meeting
By Cecilia Nasmith
In its process of implementing a county-wide development-charge system, the County of Northumberland is going to a virtual format for the requisite public meeting to gather local input.
Deferred from March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting on the proposed Development Charges By-law and Background Study will be held on-line June 18 at 7 p.m. via Zoom conference and also streamed live on YouTube.
Anyone interested in participating can make representations by providing comments or submitting his or her input in writing to the county clerk at 905-372-3329 ext. 2238 by 4 p.m. June 18 – such submissions will be read aloud at the meeting.
Following the meeting, and prior to enactment of the bylaw, written submissions will continue to be accepted through June 30.
The full background study is available online at DevelopmentCharges, and copies of the study and by-law are also available from the county clerk.
To access the meeting, go to and log in meeting ID 854 4827 4680 and password 512426, or call 1-647-374-4685.