Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority reminds everyone of the dangers that can exist around waterways during winter runoff conditions.
The agency urges individuals to exercise caution, and keep family members and pets at a safe distance from the water’s edge.
Although water levels are currently normal for this time of year, frozen-ground conditions will cause any snowmelt or significant runoff to flow directly to local watercourses.
As well, any ice cover on ponds, lakes and local waterways may become unstable as warm temperatures and rainfall weaken and break it up. Recreational activities on ice-covered ponds and lakes should be avoided due to the unsafe conditions that now exist.
As you enjoy nature over the holiday season and during the COVID-19 lockdown, the conservation authority urges everyone to be aware of surrounding conditions. With rain expected Christmas Eve, all waterways will be flowing higher than normal – and cold, fast-flowing water can be extremely hazardous, especially around slippery stream banks.
The GRCA hopes everyone will stay safe this winter and keep these tips in mind.
Keep family members and pets away from all bodies of water.
Frozen bodies of water are extremely hazardous, and should be avoided at all times.
Tailor your winter outdoor activities to the trails at your local parks.
For more information, contact the GRCA at 905-885-8173.