Building-department and fire-department stats shared

By Cecilia Nasmith

Protection Services Co-ordinator Aaron Burchat shared some statistics from the Town of Cobourg at this week's council meeting.

Burchat's figures covered two of the town's departments, starting with the building department.

For March, he said, the department issued 22 building permits (which includes six new dwelling units). The construction value they represent is more than $2.2-million, and the projects brought the town $27,000 in revenues.

In year-to-date figures for the department ending March 31, he said, 74 building permits have been issued (which include 21 dwelling units). The construction valued represented is more than $9.4-million, and the projects brought in revnues of $107,000.

Fire-department stats were also shared for the year to date, ending March 31, with 428 incidents reported – about a 7% increase over the same period in 2018.

There have been 100 training sessions, Burchat added, as well as 89 fire-prevention activities.


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