Northumberland Tourism announces Digital Footprint 2019 pilot program

By Cecilia Nasmith

Northumberland County Tourism is partnering with the four chambers of commerce that service the county to offer local tourism businesses a free assessment of their websites and social media platforms, as part of the Digital Footprint 2019 pilot program.

This program will run from May to August, the county's press release stated, providing these businesses with a plan to enhance their digital presence to make it easier for visitors to find information about their services online.

County Warden John Logel applauded the initiative and the awareness and growth that can result.

“As the tourism industry becomes increasingly competitive, it is important that Northumberland stands out in the digital marketplace by implementing strategies to best showcase what our unique and thriving tourism businesses have to offer,” Logel said

The program is available at no cost to all Northumberland tourism businesses that have been in operation for at least 18 months and have a website and/or social media presence. Eligible businesses may include accommodations, arts and performing-arts organizations, festivals, attractions, heritage features, agri-tourism operations, restaurants, retail and specialty shop, outdoor-recreation businesses, spas and retreats.

The digital assessment will be conducted by Northumberland Tourism and supported by the Brighton-Cramahe, Northumberland Central, Port Hope and District, and Trent Hills chambers of commerce.

“With the internet being one of the quickest and easiest ways for consumers to access information about businesses, digital marketing has become an important tool in the tourism industry,” Trent Hills Chamber of Commerce executive director Nancy Allanson noted in the press release.

“This program is a great opportunity for small businesses to gain access to professional coaching and resources that will help them implement best practices in digital marketing so they can strengthen their online identity and grow their brand.”

Digital Footprint 2019 is now accepting applications for this free service, but space is limited.

For more information about the program, please visit


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