FLOAT YOUR FANNY EVENT: Road and Parking Lot Closures

Residents and visitors to Port Hope are advised that the following streets and parking lot shall be temporarily closed to vehicular traffic on the dates and times listed below, to accommodate the annual Float Your Fanny Down the Ganny event:

  • Closure of the Cavan Street municipal parking lot and Barrett Street Bridge on Friday April 12, 2019 at 8:00 a.m. until Saturday April 13, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.

  • Partial closure of Sylvan Glen Road from Dale Road to the 4th Line, limiting traffic to northbound only, on Saturday April 13, 2019 from 7:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

Street closures and parking restrictions on Saturday April 13, 2019 from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Barrett Street from Cavan Street to Ontario Street;

  • Maitland Street, from Ontario Street to Cavan Street;

  • Cavan Street from Walton Street to Bedford Street, restricting local traffic to southbound only;

  • South Street from Brown Street to Cavan Street, restricting local traffic to westbound traffic;

  • Hope Street North from Molson Street north to dead-end;

  • Parking restricted to the south side of Bedford Street from Brown Street to Cavan Street.

Transit Service Impact:

During the Float your Fanny event, taking place on Saturday, April 13, Route B of the Transit Service will be impacted. The Route B bus will not stop at the southern Cavan Street stop due to the road closures in that area. Instead, it will by-pass that stop and continue north on Mill Street. The closest available stops for riders are the Town Hall stop and Mill Street North at Young Street stop.

For more information, please call 905-885-2431.


Armed Robbery in Cobourg


Another suspicious fire in Roseneath area