By Cecilia Nasmith
Northumberland-Peterborough South MP Kim Rudd visited Grafton Wednesday to announce a $25,000 grant toward an Alnwick Township war memorial.
The announcement was made on behalf of the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Veterans Affairs, in the Alnwick-Haldimand Townhip council chambers.
The monument will be constructed in the community park – centrally located in the village – to recognize local citizens who served (and those who were lost) in the First World War, Second World War and Korean War. The funding will assist with ground preparation and footings, purchasing and installing the monument and foundation, installing a walkway and plaza area, and with lighting and flagpoles.
The grant comes through the Commemorative Partnership Program, which helps communities across the country honour the contributions and sacrifices of those who served in Canada's armed forces.
“Memorials like this will stand as a permanent legacy to the greatest personal sacrifice that can ever be given,” Rudd commented in the press release.
“They stand as not just a silent witness to the past, but a beacon to the present and future.
“We must never forget the debt we owe to those who will be commemorated here. Theirs is a legacy not of conflict, but ultimately of peace – of hope over hatred, of understanding over division.”