Collin Whitehouse Collin Whitehouse

Consider This Northumberland - August 23: Discussion with Green Wood Coalition about opioid crisis in the community

We have certainly talked to many different people over the past few weeks about opioids in Northumberland. We have heard from a doctor, a mental health worker, law enforcement, two recovering addicts and a politician.

Their perspectives are provoking, the stories are compelling, and at times heartbreaking. But all have spoken their truth. And, we were given incredible insights into what is happening in the community around opioids from those with first-hand knowledge.

Today, we hear from yet another perspective. Once again, it’s people who work directly with those facing the painful reality of addictions and the complex challenges of helping those individuals.

As I am sure you will hear, opioids are not limited to any one demographic, but transcend all classes, all economic groups, all races, genders, and identities. But my two guests today work with people who face many hardships beyond that – not just addictions, but live in poverty,  or lack of housing,  or live with mental health problems and a host of other barriers.

With me in studio are David Sheffield, community director for the Green Wood Coalition in Port Hope, and Nicole Whitmore, facilitator of the Redpath addictions program offered through the Green Wood Coalition.

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Collin Whitehouse Collin Whitehouse

Consider This Northumberland - August 9: Adam Bureau and Kimo Frantzeskakis discuss opioid addiction

It is one thing to hear from officials about opioids in Northumberland County. But it is quite another to hear from people who have walked through the darkness of an opioid addiction.

Today, my guests have undertaken that journey and continue to walk the path towards recovery and a life without drugs. Now, before you start creating an image in your mind about these people, they are not stereotypical. In fact, one is a prominent politician and the other a new Canadian.

If there is anything that is clear about the opioid situation in the county, expert after expert will tell you, the people facing this addiction defy stereotypes. It crosses all demographics – all ages, all genders, all races, religions and classes of people. And, because of the stereotypes many people have, it makes it very difficult to come forward and share your story in public.

It takes great courage and character. So, I urge you to take a moment before jumping to any conclusions and listen to these powerful stories.

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Collin Whitehouse Collin Whitehouse

Consider This Northumberland - August 2: MPP David Piccini

It was a busy year in Ontario politics as the Ford government brought about a lot of change both in policy and in approach from education to autism and health care to business, the government has moved forward to meet its promises made during the last election.

For our MPP here in Northumberland-Peterborough South David Piccini it has been equally busy between his work at Queen’s Park as parliamentary assistant to the minister of training colleges and universities, to his seat on the finance committee. His schedule is also full of constituency work, whether it is cutting a ribbon or meeting with residents.

With all this going on, I have the nearly impossible task of trying to talk to him about all that is going on. But I am feeling ambitious today, so here we go.

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Collin Whitehouse Collin Whitehouse

Consider This Northumberland - July 26: Police fighting opioids

If you live in Northumberland County, surely there have been times when you were standing in the sunshine and look north only to see dark clouds of a storm. And you may wonder: Is it going to come here or is it just going to pass by. The recent headlines coming out of Peterborough related to the opioid crisis facing that community are shocking. In a single weekend in early June 13 people overdosed and two died within 72 hours.

Belleville Police Deputy Chief Timothy Ferguson said in an interview with CBC he hasn't seen anything like it in his 33 years in policing. Politicians. The director of the health unit activists and members of the community have been involved in trying to stem the tsunami of fentanyl, OxyContin, morphine, heroin, and codeine – not to mention the stronger and more deadly versions like carfentanyl – that are crashing down upon them. Earlier this week Belleville as police chief called for a national task force.

It could be said dark clouds surround us as Peterborough, Belleville, and other cities across the province struggle to find solutions. What is going on in rural Ontario, especially places like Northumberland? Over the upcoming weeks, Consider This hopes to explore the issue of opioids in the community through the eyes of those directly impacted.

Today we embark on this examination by looking through the lens of those who uphold the law. I am so pleased to have with me in the studio two members of the Cobourg police force to shed some light on this incredibly complex subject. I would like to welcome Deputy Chief Paul Van de Graaf and Acting Sergeant Jay Salisbury.

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Collin Whitehouse Collin Whitehouse

Consider This Northumberland - July 5, 2019: Northumberland Hills Hospital Chief Executive Officer Linda Davis and the new board chair Pam Went

An extensive interview with Northumberland Hills Hospital Chief Executive Officer Linda Davis and the new board chair Pam Went talking about the recent $1 million in new funding and its impact on local health care. Also, they provide details around the annual general meeting held at the end of June, along with their proposal to become one of the first Ontario Health Teams in the province.

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Collin Whitehouse Collin Whitehouse

Consider This Northumberland - March 29, 2019

Health and taxes. On this episode of Consider This Northumberland we have two great guests to address those vital topics.

I will be talking to Ontario Health Coalition Executive Director Natalie Mehra as part of the ongoing series on the impacts of the Ontario government's proposed changes to the health care system. Then, Cobourg Deputy Mayor Suzanne Seguin will join me to discuss the 2019 budget.

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Collin Whitehouse Collin Whitehouse

Consider This Northumberland - March 22, 2019

On this episode, I talk about two extremely critical issues facing Northumberland: health care and affordable housing.

In the first segment, we will continue our ongoing look at the impact of the proposed changes to the Ontario health care system with our first guest Duff Sprague. He heads the Port Hope Northumberland Community Health Centre, a non-profit group out of Port Hope who helps many residents in the county get primary care.

In the second segment, I talk to Cobourg Councillor Nicole Beatty, who is the point person for planning and development. We are going to talk about a new affordable housing initiative in the town.

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Collin Whitehouse Collin Whitehouse

Consider This Northumberland - March 15, 2019

Northumberland Hills Hospital CEO Linda Davis joins me to discuss the local impact of the Ontario government's proposals to overhaul health care on this episode of Consider This Northumberland. 

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Collin Whitehouse Collin Whitehouse

Consider This Northumberland - March 8, 2019

There are a lot of changes taking place to our health care system in Northumberland County and across the province. Author Stephen Skyvington just released a book called This May Hurt a Bit: reinventing Canada's health care system. It provides some critical insights into the system and what should be done to make it better. He is my guest on this edition of Consider This Northumberland.

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Collin Whitehouse Collin Whitehouse

Consider This Northumberland - February 8, 2019

Northumberland County council recently approved a $123 million budget. For the average homeowner, that is going to be an $18 increase to the county’s portion of your tax bill.

But what is it you actually get for those taxes you pay to the county? Well, today I have Northumberland County Warden John Logel in the studio to help explain all that. Please join me at noon today on Northumberland 89.7 FM.

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