Consider This Northumberland - August 9: Adam Bureau and Kimo Frantzeskakis discuss opioid addiction

It is one thing to hear from officials about opioids in Northumberland County. But it is quite another to hear from people who have walked through the darkness of an opioid addiction.

Today, my guests have undertaken that journey and continue to walk the path towards recovery and a life without drugs. Now, before you start creating an image in your mind about these people, they are not stereotypical. In fact, one is a prominent politician and the other a new Canadian.

If there is anything that is clear about the opioid situation in the county, expert after expert will tell you, the people facing this addiction defy stereotypes. It crosses all demographics – all ages, all genders, all races, religions and classes of people. And, because of the stereotypes many people have, it makes it very difficult to come forward and share your story in public.

It takes great courage and character. So, I urge you to take a moment before jumping to any conclusions and listen to these powerful stories.


Consider This Northumberland - August 23: Discussion with Green Wood Coalition about opioid crisis in the community


Consider This Northumberland - August 2: MPP David Piccini