Cobourg announces work on William Street bridge

A long-term bridge-construction project on Cobourg's William Street begins Monday, March 10, and the town asks your patience during the disruptions

The Town of Cobourg announces a long-term disruption on William Street, with the beginning – on Monday, March 10 – of construction work on the bridge over Cobourg Creek.

The work is anticipated to require eight months, though it will be separated into stages.

The four lanes of traffic will be reduced to two, with one lane open in each direction throughout. Sidewalk closures will occur, depending on phasing, though all attempts will be made to have a sidewalk open on either side of the bridge. Signage will be placed at appropriate locations to direct pedestrians to use the nearest signalized intersection.

Though property owners in the vicinity should expect some minor impacts, every effort will be made to ensure they retain access to their properties for both pedestrian and vehicular traffic – except possibly for very short periods. Signage will be installed to provide details on traffic access. And the contractor will ensure that construction will not affect the pick-up of garbage and recyclables, and that all deliveries (including mail) can continue.

Along with the disruption, heavy equipment will generate noise and vibration at times.

For more information, call the Public Works and Engineering Division at 905-372-9971.


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