Mayor insists on discussion of former Transition House location
With moving its shelter services to 310 Division Street, Transition House no longer operates at 10 Chapel St. - and Mayor Lucas Cleveland wants to know what's going to happen on that site
Now that Transition House has moved its operations to 310 Division St., Cobourg Mayor Lucas Cleveland enquired repeatedly at this week's meeting of Northumberland County council's Community Services Committee what's going on with the building they vacated at 10 Chapel St.
He was answered several times after asking if something is still going on there.
“All the clients and staff have moved from 10 Chapel to 310,” Homelessness Services Manager Bill Smith said after one query.
“The county is no longer funding any operations out of 10 Chapel, other than the odd moving-furniture-over.”
“We are not authorizing them to operate any social services, any homeless activities,” Smith replied after another.
We are not aware of any activities.”
“What's the plan for 10 Chapel?” Cleveland asked again, expressing concerns about Transition House being “spread too thin” to honour the contract it has with the county to provide homelessness services.
Chief Administrative Officer Jennifer Moore clarified that Transition House is the independent entity the county contracted with to provide these services, which the contract now specifies must be operated at 310 Division. What they do with their asset at 10 Chapel St. is a matter for the Transition House board to decide.
“We do not participate or support any activities in that location, now that they have moved to 310,” Moore stated.
“So no one is aware of Transition House's next steps?” Cleveland persisted.
“Not directly, and it would not be appropriate for us to communicate it,” Moore replied.