Cobourg Police Services Board approves personnel changes
Cobourg Police station. Northumberland 89.7 FM News File Photo.
By Cecilia Nasmith
At its first meeting of the new year, the Cobourg Police Services Board agenda contained a number of personnel changes – reflecting new legislation that requires board approval of such matters.
Vice-chair Adam Bureau was acclaimed to succeed to the chairmanship, with member Sean Graham acclaimed for the vice-chair spot.
“I am eager to continue this important work of ensuring the police service remains effective, accountable and responsive to the needs of all citizens of Cobourg,” the new chair said.
Bureau called retiring chair Dr. Ronald Kerr an exceptional leader, citing his “great strides in community engagement, transparency and fostering a culture of trust between the police and the public.”
Looking ahead, he concluded, “Together, we will continue to ensure that Cobourg remains a safe, welcoming and vibrant community for all.”
Other personnel changes such as removals and the granting of appointments have not traditionally been done at board level, Chief Paul VandeGraaf said, but new legislation requires board approval.
The first item dealt with the rescinding of the Auxiliary Officer appointment for Larry Dumlao, who has resigned.
“We do wish Larry all the best in his future endeavours” the Chief stated.
“We do exit interviews with each and every person. We are very confident with the reasons for his resignation.”
The board received a report recommending the confirmation of three new Constable appointments – for Conner Bradley, Jeremy Eddy and Olivia Wilson.
“All have completed training at the Ontario Police College very successfully and, based on the new Act, we have had a badge-presentation ceremony, given them their oaths of office, and had a wonderful reception with them,” VandeGraaf said.
“But the board does have to confirm their appointments.”
Five special-constable appointments were on the agenda, their training regiment set out in a report to the board calling for the approval of appointments for Special Constables Ryan Carnegie, Trevor Macklin, Tanner Diminie, Caleb Quemby and Manuel Sarmiento.
“They have to write their provincial exams. These folks have completed their on-board training. They have done everything they need to do, and they are out there serving their community,” VandeGraaf reported. “They will be writing the exam at the end of March. We are confident. They have been given pre-permission – I have absolutely no worries they are going to pass their exam.”
The board approved all personnel changes presented.