Cobourg is a step closer to a third Highway 401 exit
Image courtesy of the Town of Cobourg.
By Cecilia Nasmith
Public comment will be accepted between Jan. 20 and Feb. 19 on the Recommended Plan for constructing a third Cobourg exit off Highway 401 at Nagle Rd.
The Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Town of Cobourg have undertaken a Planning, Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study for the new interchange at Nagle Road, with the town and the Township of Hamilton. Cobourg initiated this study to develop a Recommended Plan for the new interchange, to support the transportation objectives in their Official Plan and to accommodate the growth taking place in the Cobourg East Community Secondary Plan area.
The Recommended Plan includes several planned actions.
The existing Nagle Road bridge will be replaced with a new four-lane bridge that includes a sidewalk on the west side and a dedicated cycling lane on each side of the new bridge.
A new Parclo A2/Diamond interchange will be constructed off Highway 401 at that side.
Nagle Road will be widened from two to four lanes from approximately 400 metres north and south of Highway 401.
These plans may be carried out in several phases to accommodate bridge rehabilitation and replacement needs and development growth.
As part of the first phase, the new bridge may be constructed with only two vehicular lanes with provision for future widening.
The timing of each phase will depend on the bridge condition and actual development within the Cobourg East Development Plan.
A summary of the study process – including the identification and evaluation of alternatives, the Recommended Plan, anticipated environmental impacts, proposed mitigation measures and consultation activities carried out ad part of the study – has been documented within a Transportation Environmental Study Report, a copy of which is available at
It can also be accessed in person at the town's Public Works Office on 740 Division St., Building #7, Northam Industrial Park. Business hours are weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and they can be reached at 905-372-9971.