Cobourg council compliments customer service representative
A new innovation for Cobourg in 2024 was installing a customer-service kiosk in the lobby of Victoria Hall, and it is proving to be a hit
n the Departmental Updates portion of Cobourg council's December council meeting, Chief Administrative Officer Tracey Vaughan sang the praises of the customer services desk recently installed in the Victoria Hall lobby.
In November, 424 contacts resulted in requested information being conveyed, through e-mail, phone or in person. Eighty-seven of these involved the purchase of tickets to a Concert Hall event or to next month's provincial curling championships to be held at the West Northumberland Curling Club. There were also sales of dog tags and bus passes.
For December, just through the 18th, there had already been 390 contacts.
“This is getting really exciting to see that sort of activity happening,” Vaughan said.
The few months in which the desk have been in place have seen a steady expansion of services that can be offered, and Vaughan had a new one.
Tax payments can now be taken at that service counter,” she announced.
Councillor Randy Barber offered his own compliments, calling her “our wonderful person at the greeting desk, who does such a wonderful job and is so quick to smile.
“She doesn't have a name tag,” Barber added.
Vaughan assured him that she does, and speculated that she had temporarily removed it for some reason when he saw her.
“We have received a lot of really positive feedback about the work she does at the desk, and she is building a great repertoire of managing comments and concerns,” Vaughan concluded.