Council agrees to consider heritage designation on Brookside property
20-11-2024 9:55 p.m.
Cobourg council got a lesson on the history of the property that was the Brookside Youth Centre until recently, and Cobourg-East Northumberland ACO representative Rob Mikel is working to get it recognized with a heritage designation.
Though debate failed to clarify who might be able to apply a heritage designation to the former Brookside Youth Centre, Rob Mikel addressed Wednesday's Cobourg council to appeal for support for such a move.
Representing the Cobourg-East Northumberland Architectural Conservancy of Ontario branch, Mikel gave council some of the history of what he called “a magnificent property with 32 acres and two very important heritage buildings, two possibly important, and a huge ecological system running up and down Brook Road Creek.
“We are here to ensure the property is treated well, with good development that respects the property and its history,” Mikel said.
Though Mayor Lucas Cleveland insisted that the province had the authority to make the designation and could have been approached before now, Mikel – who worked for some years at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing – disagreed. At any rate, he said, “The town has a road to involve itself in this transaction and act as a negotiator with other levels of government to bring forward a solution we all are happy with.”
He predicted the town would look back with regret if they failed to act.
“We are foolish to disrespect what is best in our past.
The land originally contained two magnificent houses, with one – Strathmore House – surviving. There's a little cottage in the middle, some 19th-century stables.
Mikel described Rowe Stables as a “gem of a building.” It's off Cottesmore and could even be easily separated, he said, and it's totally restorable.
Winch Cottage, from the 19th century, was built for the manager of the cattle farm the family owned. During the years Brookside was open, it was used as the head psychiatrist's office.
The imposing main building, Strathmore, was characterized as “a beautiful, magnificent beaux arts building.” Mikel showed slides pointing out the rare tile work on the terrace and the “almost perfectly intact” interior.
He urged a creative campus approach, combining heritage protection with reuse.
“I see no reason such a plan would displease a new owner with ambitious intentions for the site,” he stated.
Relating some of the history of the site Chief Administrative Officer Tracey Vaughan recalled the public sessions envisioning new uses for the property once the Brookside Youth Centre was vacated. Both the town and the County of Northumberland were given the opportunity to purchase it, but the province made it clear that they wanted the best return from its sale.
“We didn't have the financial means to participate in that competitive process,” Vaughan stated.
In the end, Mikel said, it sold for $9.2-million.
“For a 32-acre property, that seems like a very reasonable price,” he figured.
“There has been a lack of transparency through this whole process, or it appears so,” he said, referring to stories and rumours that have circulated on what was to become of the property.
“The town can't designate property until it's in private ownership, and Brookside is apparently on the point of being sold.
“Cobourg is losing its physical and natural heritage at an alarming rate,” he said.
“The ACO cannot impose restrictions on development. Once it changes hands, the town has control over decisions made on the property.”
Asked about support for the designation, Mikel cited an attendance of about 175 at a recent open session to share the property's history and advocate for that process.
Council voted to refer to staff for a report which, as the director of planning said, would look at the information, review it in light of the Heritage Act and set out next steps that could be taken.