Representatives from Walk A Mile’s lead sponsor, Balder Corporation, present Cornerstone Executive Director, Nancy Johnston, with a cheque at the launch of the event.
By Cecilia Nasmith
A 15th year and a new lead sponsor are the big news from Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre as it announces plans for the 2022 Walk A Mile fundraiser.
It will take place Oct. 1 as part of the Downtown Cobourg Harvest Festival, with the Balder Corporation on board to support it.
The press release included a statement from counsel Maryam Mohajer affirming their support for “developing projects centred on community.
“And when asked to be part of Walk A Mile, we couldn't think of a better event or agency to partner with. Walk A Mile brings Northumberland together to raise vital funds and awareness for Cornerstone helping not only the women and children, but the entire community. We are very excited and proud to be a part of this year's event.”
Last year, Cornerstone provided service to more than 1,800 women, children and youth through shelter, counselling, housing and prevention programming. Walk A Mile plays a critical role in funding these programs and services that help turn fear into hope, and help local families rebuild their lives after experiencing abuse.
Though a red high heel has been the unofficial Walk A Mile symbol in the past, this signature fundraiser is now organized as a family-friendly walk that can be done by anyone in any footwear. To mark this milestone year, organizers are instituting a Peameal and Pumps Breakfast, Pump Pub Crawl and Chiefs Challenge.
With the COVID interruptions of the past couple of years, Cornerstone Executive Director Nancy Johnston is excited to see it back in in-person form.
“It has been too long since we have been able to be together to walk for Cornerstone, and we cannot think of a better way to celebrate the walk's 15th anniversary than with a main-street takeover in downtown Cobourg with neighbours, friends and families coming together in signature red,” Johnston stated.
Registration is $20 for adults and $10 for those under 18, though walkers are encouraged to collect additional pledges in support of Cornerstone. Participants will receive Walk A Mile kits that include the signature red heels (to be used, if desired, and while sizes and quantities last), posters to promote their individual walks, and materials to encourage pledges and participation.