Cobourg author publishes a specially inspired book
By Cecilia Nasmith
When authors say that a book idea just came to them, we call it inspiration.
But what would you call it in the case of Cobourg author Helen Slade, who claims the entire first book she has just published came to her? For lack of a better term, she describes it as taking dictation. And the result is Hailee's Awakening.
At 33, Hailee is one of those women who seems to have everything.
“What society would deem as what everyone would want – family, excessive wealth, that sort of thing,” the author said.
“The whole story, I guess, is born from the idea that there is something much deeper that's important, more important than all the things we tend to think of as important.”
A crucial change happens to Hailee right on the first page in the first paragraph, when she is involved in a car accident.
Amid the crunch of metal and the reek of gasoline, she must face the possibility of death. And she literally does die for a bit, but comes back. Undergoing the flat-line experience changes how she carries on with her life from that point on.
The jumping around that Slade dislikes in some books is absent in Hailee's story. It begins with the life-changing trauma of her near-death, then the back story brings you up to speed leading up to the accident, then there's the story of her life beyond the accident.
The book came to her – literally came to her – during a trip out west in 2020 to help with a family emergency. Because of her husband's eye issues, she was the sole driver, running down the miles as they listened to audiobooks. And the thought occurred to her - “if I ever wrote a book, I would just grab people right in the first paragraph.”
Cobourg author Helen Slade