Public Works project begins next week

By Cecilia Nasmith

The Town of Cobourg Public Works Department announces an essential infrastructure project that will start next week, the clean-out of the Terry Fox storm water-management pond.

Storm water-management ponds collect storm water run-off, and assist with improving the quality and reducing the quantity of storm water that is released back into such waterways as creeks and Lake Ontario.

The Terry Fox storm water-management pond is located north of Elgin Street West, near Fraser Court and Tillison Avenue. The work is being done to remove the accumulation of silt that has collected, and to make repairs to the pond to ensure it is functioning correctly. It is estimated that this will take about two months to complete.

To ensure residents and workers remain safe, contractors will be outfitted with personal protective gear and a site-specific safety plan that will be followed throughout the duration of the project.

The town and the public-works staff thank you for your patience and consideration during this time.


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