By Cecilia Nasmith
Councillor Aaron Burchat shared building department news at this week's Cobourg council meeting.
Building-department statistics for May show that 14 building permits (representing 15 new dwelling units) were issued, and the estimated construction value of these projects is more than $2.6-million.
For 2020 through the end of May, year-to-date statistics show 156 building permits (representing 88 new dwelling units) were issued, and the estimated construction value of these projects exceeds $16.3-million. And the approvals process has brought in $208,000 in revenues to the town.
Burchat counselled patience for those wanting to file complaints – which he said they can do by contacting the municipal clerk or visiting the town's website.
“Property owners have two weeks to respond to an order, once issued from the town,” he said.
“And on top of that, there's about a week of investigation, depending on the complaint and how many are going on.
“If you find it's taking a little bit of time, it's because staff is busy and we have to follow the proper procedures, in case it ends up in court at a later date.”