Free transit and free parking continue in Cobourg

By Cecilia Nasmith

Cobourg council this week voted to extend free transit and free parking through June 30.

The report from Director of Public Works Laurie Wills said COVID-19 restrictions produced a significant decrease in ridership – by more than 40% in March and more than 60% in April and May. The free ridership enhances safety by eliminating money handling and the risk of people going to public buildings to purchase transit passes.

A similar move to eliminate the handling of cash and machinery is also one reason for the free parking, the report added, with staff will no longer having to empty, clean and maintain parking meters.

There have been costs to these safety measures, of course. Transit losses are about $4,500 per month. And at such time as paid parking resumes, staff will require a minimum of two weeks to get the system up and running.

Deputy Mayor Suzanne Seguin asked for some clarification on this point, recalling that – at the March 23 meeting - they extended free parking downtown to Aug. 31. The June 30 date, therefore, was confusing.

“My understanding is that downtown parking was extended to Aug. 31 – it didn't incorporate the waterfront,” Wills said.

As for downtown parking, it is still free through Aug. 31.


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