By Cecilia Nasmith
With only January completed so far in 2020, giving year-to-date stats was short work for Cobourg council's Protection Services Co-ordinator at Monday's meeting.
Councillor Aaron Burchat gave statistics for two departments as part of his portfolio.
As of Jan. 31, the building department issued 18 permits (seven of which were new dwelling units) with a construction value of $2.025-million. Fees from planning services brought in $30,213 in revenues.
The fire department reports 231 calls received as of Jan. 31, with 67 training activities and 61 prevention activities.
“Just a reminder – anyone who wishes to have a chat with the police chief can join him for coffee March 4 at the Dutch Oven, which is located at 7 King St. W., from 5 to 7 :30 p.m.,” Burchat added.