
Councillors supported Day of Caring

By Cecilia Nasmith

Cobourg councillors reported on their participation in the June 7 annual United Way Day of Caring at this week's council meeting.

Mayor John Henderson was delighted that he finally got to do something he is good it – gardening. He helped with some flower beds, delighted he didn't have to help chief administrative officer Stephen Peacock put together a shed.

Councillor Adam Bureau worked with manager of planning services Rob Franklin and manager of engineering and capital projects Terry Hoekstra to put together a shed and picnic table at the Cobourg library.

“After the first five minutes, they agreed I should be the holder – not the actual builder, but the holder,” Bureau said.

Councillor Brian Darling probably had the best experience of them all, as he accompanied his wife to work on the rockery at St. Paul's United Church in Cold Springs.

“It really did bring back memories, because that's the church we were married 42 years ago,” Darling said.