Learn more about The Wonderful World of Soil Health
By Cecilia Nasmith
Like so many avid gardeners, the Grafton Green Thumbs are looking forward to plunging hands deep into the dirt within a few more weeks.
In preparation for that wonderful day, their April 9 meeting will welcome Susan Antler and Glenn Munroe of the Compost Council of Canada (www.compost.org) for a presentation called The Wonderful World of Soil Health.
It's a wonderful opportunity to learn what comprises healthy soil and how we can create it, spokeswoman Bev Silk.
Antler and Munroe will bring ideas for being a soil builder to the table, such as keeping roots in the ground, adding organic amendments, supporting plant and soil diversity, and minimizing soil disturbance, with tips to maximize the environment you are creating for this year's garden.
Formerly known as the Grafton Horticultural Society, the Grafton Green Thumbs welcome everyone to the presentation, which will take place at 7:30 p.m. (social hour at 7 p.m.) at the wheelchair-accessible St. Andrew's United Church.
St. Andrew's is located at 137 Old Danforth Rd. in Grafton, and everyone is welcome.