
Motion to Reconsider - Withdrawn


Motion To Reconsider the Intention to Designate 65 Ward Street to be Withdrawn at Municipality of Port Hope Council Meeting – June 19

Municipality of Port Hope Council has received new information with respect to the Motion to Reconsider the Intention to Designate 65 Ward Street, which is agenda item 8.4, to be considered at the June 19, 2018 Council Meeting.

The Municipality has received a legal opinion that Council does not have the ability to reconsider the heritage designation of a property, once the Conservation Review Board (CRB) process is underway. Accordingly, Councillors Hickey and Lees have agreed to withdraw their Motion to Reconsider the Intention to Designate 65 Ward Street.

Any action related to the heritage designation of 65 Ward Street will take place once the CRB has held a hearing and made its recommendation in the form of a report to Council. Council will then consider the report and make a decision to designate or to withdraw the Notice of Intention to Designate.