Collin Whitehouse Collin Whitehouse

Consider This Northumberland - June 4: Victoria Beach and Rapid Testing

Tiny steps are being taken as the province moves towards the new reality. Vaccinations continue. The shut-down ordered ended this week. There is a plan to reopen the economy.

There are also two more indicators of this change here in Northumberland. The first is the partial opening of Victoria Beach in Cobourg. The second is a program to bring rapid testing kits to all businesses in the county.

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Collin Whitehouse Collin Whitehouse

Consider This Northumberland - May 28: Kim Rudd and Alison Lester

Recently, former Northumberland Peterborough South MP Kim Rudd suddenly announced she would not be running in the next federal election. With a minority government in Ottawa, an election could be called at any time. Her announcement was a shock for many. Yet, within a few days, the local riding association announced it has selected local lawyer Alison Lester as her replacement.

Today's show is an interview with both these women. Rudd will talk about her battle with ovarian cancer and her life in politics and what is in her future. Lester will share her views on issues and a bit about herself as she prepares to run in the next election.

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Collin Whitehouse Collin Whitehouse

Consider This Northumberland - May 21: Provincial Liberal Nominees Nicole Beatty and Jeff Kawzenuk

Politics, politics, politics! Lots are going on with local politics at the federal and provincial levels.

This week features interviews with the two people seeking the nomination for the provincial Liberals. Nicole Beatty and Jeff Kawzenuk are racing across Northumberland-Peterborough South to garner sufficient support to win the job. The virtual nomination meeting is scheduled for June 5.

Stay tuned for next week, when the show will feature the federal Liberals. Former MP Kim Rudd will talk about her decision not to run in the next election, while Alison Lester, her replacement, will introduce herself to the voters.

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Collin Whitehouse Collin Whitehouse

Consider This Northumberland - May 14: Faster Forward / Sense of community fading

A new program to help large businesses in Northumberland County was recently announced. It is called Faster Forward Summit Program. It aims to help companies doing over $250,000 a year survive the pandemic and possibly grow.

You might remember a year ago the sense of community we experienced at the beginning of the pandemic. People were making masks and giving them away. Others helped an elderly neighbour or senior to get groceries. But if you look around today, that feeling of togetherness is fading. What happened? The second segment will look at the disappearing sense of community taking place.

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Collin Whitehouse Collin Whitehouse

Consider This Northumberland - May 7: Struggles and challenges facing the agricultural community.

If you are out and about driving in the county, you will see farmers busy getting crops into the ground. This week's show revisits the struggles and challenges facing the agricultural community in Northumberland.

First, there is an update from the Northumberland Federation of Agriculture talking about the pandemic's toll on farmers after a year of isolation and lockdowns.

Next, you will hear a special segment. Marc Cowin, host of Focus on Business in Northumberland, will present an in-depth, intimate interview with Katie and Paul Burnham. They will talk about the impact of the pandemic on their business. Paul will also talk about how this diverse family-operated enterprise is being passed from one generation to the next.

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Collin Whitehouse Collin Whitehouse

Consider This Northumberland - April 30: Day of Mourning

We all know someone who is working during this pandemic. Whether it is family members, friends, or the cashier at the grocery store. People deemed essential risk their lives daily.

Today’s show focuses on those people. First, there is an interview with Naureen Rizvi (RIZ -vee), the regional representative for Unifor, one of the largest unions in Canada. She is responsible for Northumberland County. We will talk about the Day of Mourning and the challenges all workers are facing.

Next, there is an interview with Dan Tobin, the president of the Northumberland and District Labour Council. He will talk about what is taking place locally.

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Collin Whitehouse Collin Whitehouse

Consider This Northumberland - April 16: Remote learning impact / Council of Canadians

Instead of a spring break, teachers, students, and parents are bracing for remote learning starting Monday. In the first segment of Consider This Northumberland, there is an interview with the president of District 14 of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation. They represent high school teachers across Northumberland. You will hear about the impact of this provincial announcement on the staff, the students, and parents across the county.

Next, you will hear about a local international affairs group's effort to nominate a Cuban Emergency Medical Team for a Nobel Peace Prize. Known as the Henry Reeve Brigade, this team of 8,000 medical professionals has helped multiple countries worldwide in dealing with the global pandemic.

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Collin Whitehouse Collin Whitehouse

Consider This Northumberland - April 9: Scout Camp / Rural Outreach in Colborne

In February, the Northumberland County council officially ended a lease with Scouts Canada to use the Cobourg Scout Reserve. It was the end of a 30-year relationship. The impact was severely felt by the kids, parents, and leaders. In this week's show, a feature story explores what happened, the reaction of those involved as well as a response from the county and Scouts Canada.

Next, Cramahe Township Mayor Mandy Martin will talk about the first rural outreach clinic opening this week in Colborne. This is a unique collaboration between the municipality and the Ontario Health Team Northumberland.

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Collin Whitehouse Collin Whitehouse

Consider This Northumberland - April 2: The BlueDot Foundation and Climate Change Survey

This week’s show looks at two initiatives taking place locally around climate change. The first is a group called Blue Dot Northumberland. It is a chapter of a national movement fighting climate change. Members from this group recently met with Northumberland Peterborough South MP Phillip Lawrence.

Next, you will hear about a survey being done in Port Hope by the town’s climate change advisory committee. The chair, Bob Biffen, will talk about the survey itself and how he and the committee members hope to give municipal politicians and staff a strategic plan to fight climate change in Port Hope.

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