Consider This Northumberland- July 9: NCSJ and Williams Statue

This week Consider This Northumberland looks at two groups tackling the same issue – the future of Indigenous people in the community and across the country. The first is a group of young women who held a gathering at the statue of Col. Arthur Williams in front of Port Hope town hall on Canada Day. Williams fought in the Northwest Resistance at the Battle of Batoche. You will hear how this informal group quickly organized an event that gave residents a chance to do something concrete to express their solidarity with Indigenous people. You will also hear Port Hope Mayor Bob Sanderson explain what the council is doing to address these issues. 

Next, you will hear about the Northumberland Coalition for Social Justice and its efforts to raise awareness of Indigenous issues on Canada Day. You will learn the results of its efforts and a bit more about the organization and its advocacy in the community.


Consider This Northumberland - July 16: David Sheffield / Police Update


Consider This Northumberland - Lofty Kitchen / Campbellford Bikes