Farmers face many challenges during upside down world pandemic
You can’t say it is an everyday sight to see a group of field tractors surrounding Northumberland Hills Hospital, along with a line of pick-up trucks following close behind. But that was the scene recently during a tractor parade organized by the Northumberland Federation of Agriculture to thank all the frontline staff at the hospital.
It is a rare sight to see farmers being so public. Usually, they toil away quietly making sure we all have food in front of us. And, while you may see the odd billboard reminding you that Farmers feed Cities, these are not the type of people who take a bow.
Like all of us, their world is also turned upside down.
Today, you are going to hear a bit of a different story from Consider This.
Rather than the usual Q&A format normally heard on the show, the interviews were turned into a documentary. Since there are so many different types of farms and farmers, it made sense to talk to a larger group rather than the one or two normally featured on the show. Five members of the Northumberland Federation of Agriculture gave time to be interviewed for this story. I hope you enjoy it.