Consider This Northumberland - February 11
On Feb. 15, Port Hope council will debate one of the largest land acquisitions in the recent history of Northumberland County. The town is looking to purchase more than 1,300 acres for around $20 million. The land is currently owned by Ontario Power Generation in Wesleyville. Just about half the land is environmentally sensitive, while the remainder can be developed for residential, commercial and industrial uses.
Mayor Bob Sanderson and town staff have toiled away on the deal for the past two year. Earlier this month, the deal was made public. If council gives its blessing at its next meeting, the acquisition will be finalized on March 31.
The public has yet to have any input. And, there are many questions.
In this interview, Mayor Bob Sanderson walks through the process of getting this massive land deal in place. He will go over the background. And, he will address questions about growth, the environment, and financing.
For the past two weeks, Canadians have watched as the Freedom Convoy protests in Ottawa and across Canada. This has sparked many debates and drawn attention to numerous issues. Regardless of your reaction, one aspect is striking. The use of social media to organize and execute the convoy.
The second segment is a special feature. It is an extended report about the role of influencers on social media. Nataly Leveques is a published expert in this field and she will talk about the role of these people on social media. But it is not just the convoy. She will also talk about how influencers work in communities like Northumberland.
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