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Cavan Street re-opening imminent in Port Hope

The Municipality of Port Hope says the approved work under the Heritage Demolition Permit has been completed for Block 2 of the File Factory on Cavan Street. 

The demolition focused solely on the specified block, preserving the former Beamish Mill along with other sections and buildings of Block 2, in keeping with Council direction previously provided that identified the scope of the work was to focus on the immediate threats to public safety. Under this Permit, no additional demolition plans are being carried out.

Following the completion of this work, and the cleanup currently underway, Cavan Street is anticipated to reopen to the public in the coming days, once the final structural assessments ensure the safety of the remaining building and the site fencing is adjusted accordingly.

The municipality says future work on the site may occur, in order to remedy any portions of the building deemed unsafe but that will require the municipal approval of a new Heritage Demolition Permit application.