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CCC and Venture 13 will require proof of vaccination

By Cecilia Nasmith

As of Wednesday, the Town of Cobourg will require proof of full vaccination and corresponding photo ID from members of the public aged 12 and over who want to enter the Cobourg Community Centre and the Venture 13 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre.

This is in line with provincial legislation outlined under the Reopening of Ontario Act and in support of the Sept. 1 announcement by the province that – as of Wednesday – individuals must present proof of full vaccination (two doses plus 14 days) and appropriate ID to access certain public facilities, especially those higher-risk indoor settings where face coverings cannot always be worn.

This list would include indoor dining at restaurants and bars, nightclubs, meeting and event spaces, facilities used for sports and fitness activities and personal fitness training (with the exception of youth recreational sport), sporting events, casinos, bingo halls and gaming establishments, concerts, theatres, music festivals, racing venues, strip clubs, bathhouses and sex clubs.

“The Town of Cobourg remains committed to working together with public-health officials and our local health unit to reduce the risk of community spread, while continuing to keep our residents safe and healthy,” Chief Administrative Officer Tracey Vaughan said in the press release.

“We are kindly asking our residents and facility users to be patient and understanding towards our staff as we adapt to the COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination policy that enables us to keep offering recreational services and programs.”

Following a review of the latest regulations and guidelines, the town will require proof of vaccination and valid ID at both facilities.

At the Cobourg Community Centre, the policy applies to facility users who wish to participate in an organized sport (including training, practices, games and competitions) or access the facility for any purpose – this includes parents and guardians of young people participating in organized sports.

At Venture 13, the new policy applies to anyone entering the facility to access meeting and event spaces and to participate in programs.

Those exempt from the policy at these sites include:

  • Children aged 11 and younger

  • Youth under the age of 18 who are actively participating in an organized sport (including training, practices, games and competitions)

  • Those with a medical exemption (in which case there must a doctor's note to that effect issued within the last 30 days)

  • Workers, coaches, officials, volunteers, contractors, repair workers, delivery workers, students, inspectors or others who are entering the facility for work purposes and not as patrons

  • Anyone entering the facility to use a washroom or make a retail purchase

Elementary and high-school students participating in programs as part of their school curriculum will be subject to the vaccination requirements of their respective school boards.

“The health and safety of our facility users, staff and the community at large is extremely important to us,” Community Services Deputy Director Teresa Behan stated.

“We are pleased to continue operating the Cobourg Community Centre while ensuring all provincial health and safety guidelines are being properly followed.”

Exemptions based upon the town's obligations pursuant to the Ontario Human Rights Code will be considered on a case-by-case basis. All requirements, exemptions and policies are subject to change based on provincial regulation.

Residents are encouraged to download their vaccination receipts from the provincial booking portal. The Ministry of Health is working on additional supports and services to assist residents who need help obtaining proof of vaccination, including requesting that a copy be sent by mail. Anyone who needs support in obtaining a copy, including those who do not have access to a computer or printer, can call the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre at 1-833-943-3900.

As well, the Cobourg Public Library is offering to print up to two vaccine certificates free of charge for residents who may not have access to the equipment and technology required to download and print them. Visit the library during its regular hours for assistance.

The Town of Cobourg has launched a dedicated COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination webpage that includes information, frequently asked questions and important documents. Visit to learn more.