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Cobourg Beach reopens Monday

By Cecilia Nasmith

Starting at 7 a.m. Monday, you can go to the Cobourg beach.

Following council's special meeting Wednesday night, there will be daily beach hours of 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., when entry points in the fence (which council decided to erect in a special meeting the week before) will be open – at least until the declared capacity of 1,200 is reached, at which point they will close.

That number has been calculated to be the limit at which people can be on that beautiful expanse of sand and still observe social-distancing protocols of six feet apart. Even the recent provincial guideline that you can gather outside in groups of no more than five applies to organized public events allowed by law, such as religious observances – not casual contact.

The town's bylaw enforcement officers will be present to keep an eye on things, enforce pandemic protocols and ensure capacity is not exceeded.

At 11 p.m., Communications Manager Ashley Purdy said, they will also clear the beach – aided by members of the Cobourg Police Service if necessary

Deputy Director of Community Services Teresa Behan expressed confidence at Wednesday's meeting that the appropriate signage will be in place by opening, and the washrooms will be open.