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Cobourg announces accessibility funding

By Cecilia Nasmith

The Town of Cobourg announces it will be able to enhance accessibility within the downtown core – businesses, parks and Victoria Hall - with the receipt of a $60,000 Inclusive Communities Grant from the Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility.

The Inclusive Community Grants Program helps ensure local governments and community organizations consider Ontarians of all ages and abilities at every stage of community planning and development by creating physical and social environments that support independent and active living, enabling older adults and those with disabilities to continue participating and contributing to all aspects of community life.

Funding is offered for 55 short- and long-term projects across Ontario that take place between February 2020 and March 2022,

The Town of Cobourg completed its application in December. They learned of the grant last month, and Accessibility Co-ordinator Jamie Kramer said the town is thankful for the opportunity it affords.

“We are excited to create more universal accessibility for persons of all ages and abilities within the downtown core, and will work hard to engage and educate residents along the way,” Kramer stated.

This interactive process of engagement is aimed at all residents, especially seniors and those with disabilities will rely on such public-engagement tools as Engage Cobourg. The town will work with its Accessibility Advisory Committee and town staff to pilot the information into creating a public-engagement process for accessibility in the downtown core to ensure that all persons are able to access and use all areas of the downtown.

For more information, contact Kramer at