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Cobourg issues orange-zone news

By Cecilia Nasmith

What reopening in the orange zone means in Cobourg is the subject of a Tuesday press release and a verbal report by Chief Administrative Officer Tracey Vaughan at that evening's committee-of-the-whole council meeting.

While the health unit is reopening three of its offices, Vaughan noted, Cobourg's municipal buildings remain closed except for Venture 13 and the Cobourg Community Centre. Both are gradually reopening programming in a manner consistent with public safety.

In the case of the Cobourg Community Centre, hours will be 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., with reservations for ice rentals and use of the walking track now available – on-line or by calling 905-372-7371.

That is where you can also register for the gym and fitness classes, pickleball and table tennis that begin March 2.

Reservations are also required for spectators – only one of which is allowed per participant on the ice for a child aged 12 and under. For anyone 13 years of age and older, no spectators are allowed.

Though the fencing, reservation system and monitoring remain in place, staff are considering increasing capacity at the Rotary Harbourfront Park rink to 20, given the size of the ice surface. Hours are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Vaughan said figures from the Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit as of that afternoon show 20 active cases and a total of 412 to date.

“The Town of Cobourg continues to work closely with the provincial government to disseminate information related to COVID-19, in particular the return to the response framework – the orange zone,” Vaughan said.

“We are working with our partners, both within the public health and our partners in COVID response to tell them what does orange mean as I go about my daily business.”

March Break for schools will be the week of April 12 to 16, she said, and rapid testing is being implemented in long-term-care homes. Tests take longer now, because they are being given extra screens to uncover any variants. There's even a new term – Variants Of Concern or VOC.

Vaccinations of long-term-care residents is complete. When more vaccine is received (expected Feb. 22), they will start to administer it to staff at long-term-care homes and high-risk retirement homes, as well as essential care givers and health-care workers. For vaccinations beyond that, the health unit has struck a vaccination advisory committee.

While the health unit has outbreaks in nine of its long-term-care homes, Vaughan said, there are none in any schools or hospitals.

The town's press release offered particulars on orange zone restrictions, with certain businesses and services opened under strict COVID-19 protocols, including reduced hours and capacity as well as cleaning, physical distancing and customer-screening practices. These businesses include:

Restaurants, which can open for in-person dining while continuing to offer take-out, pick-up and delivery.

Worship services, weddings and funerals, which can resume with limitations.

Gyms and fitness clubs, which can welcome members with limitations.

In-person shopping, which can resume at retail stores and malls.

Personal-care services – such as barbers, hairdressers, nail salons and tattoo studios - which can resume with restrictions (such as no service can be offered that requires the removal of face coverings).

Movie theatres and performing-arts centres, which can offer performances with limitations.

Gatherings in private homes, backyards and parks, with limitations – up to 25 (or 10 if you are indoors), as long as masks are warned and physical distancing is maintained among those not from the same household.

More information can be found at the provincial and health-unit websites.

Meanwhile, the Town of Cobourg reminds everyone to respect the following guidelines.

Maintain a physical distance of at least two metres from any other person using an amenity (unless you're part of the same household).

Do not participate or hold gatherings or events with more than 10 people (unless they are part of the same household) indoors or more than 25 people outdoors.

No organized team sports are allowed on reopened courts and fields unless they involve only members of the same household.

Practice hand hygiene, wear a non-medical mask or face covering whenever possible, and limit contact with surfaces.

The town has launched a dedicated webpage with program and service updates, news issued from the municipality, and risk-reduction advice. Updates will be posted to as they come in.