The Town of Cobourg reminds residents of the increase to transit fares that will begin in 2022, with the price of a single cash fare increasing by 25 cents to $2.25 and adjustments to 30-Day Passes.
The increase will offset operating expenses associated with the transit system, following 15 years without a fee increase. Meanwhile, Director of Public Works Laurie Wills said in the announcement, the town has been working towards improving the system in as economical a way as possible.
“We appreciate Cobourg residents understanding the need for these fare increases in order to continue providing the best possible public-transit services to our community,” Wills said.
A 2014 transit study recommended increasing the single cash fare to $2.50 over three years. The study also considered the 50% senior discount high and recommended the student monthly-pass discounts should be closer to senior fares.
This ultimate fare increase to $2.50 is comparable to fares in similar municipalities, the announcement said.
Increases will be made incrementally over the next three years, with the single cash fare, as noted, going from $2 to $2.25 in 2022, then to $2.50 in 2024.
Adults' 30-day passes will go from $60 to $62.50 in 2022, then to $65 in 2024.
Seniors' 30-day passes will go from $30 to $36.25 in 2022, rising to $42.50 in 2023 and up to $48.75 in 2024.
Students' 30-day passes will actually go down in price. From $50, the price goes to $48.75 in 2022 and stays at that level.
The announcement noted that the town has worked toward a higher level of transit service for several years. These improvement initiatives include the Where's My Bus app in 2016 that provides real-time updates. Ten new bus shelters were installed in 2017, and new low-floor Wheels transit buses were purchased in 2017 and 2021. The new On-Demand Transit Service and new reloadable Smart Cards were introduced in 2021.
For more information on Cobourg Transit, visit the Public Transit - Town of Cobourg site or call the Public Works Division at 905-372-4555.