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Have your say on county budget

By Cecilia Nasmith

With the 2021 Northumberland County budget-development process now underway, council and staff members are seeking feedback from residents about areas of focus for both current and long-term priorities.

Northumberland County engages with residents each year to review and confirm long-term financial priorities. Projects and resources advanced through the annual budget process ultimately align with these priorities.

This process kicks off every year in June, with council establishing a tax levy target for the upcoming budget. Given the impacts of COVID-19 and current economic conditions (and mindful of the need to balance effective municipal operations with the pressures facing local ratepayers), county council has directed staff to initially target and investigate the feasibility of a 0% tax increase for the 2021 budget year. Northumberland County is seeking feedback from the public on preferred options for balancing the 2021 budget (as required by law), and on priorities for service provision and infrastructure maintenance over the coming 10 years.

“The annual Financial Framework Survey is an opportunity for our residents to engage directly in the municipal financial planning process, helping council to make important decisions about the allocation of tax dollars in the coming budget year and over the long-term,” Warden Bob Sanderson said in the announcement.

“This is an important step for ensuring transparency and accountability in our operations. As staff prepare a draft budget and updated long-term financial plan for council’s review and consideration this December, we encourage community members to participate in this survey and inform the process.”

Residents can have their say with a brief survey that is open through July 31 and available on-line at the county's new public-consultation portal, Hard copies of the survey are available from Northumberland County headquarters at 555 Courthouse Rd., Cobourg.