In conformity with directions from the provincial government aimed at stopping the spread of COVID-19 and encourage social distancing, the Town of Cobourg announces all outdoor recreational amenities are closed, including dog park, beach, skateboard park and tennis courts.
The town previously responded to advice from the Chief Medical Officer of Health on March 23, closing all play equipment and play structures. Now, under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, all outdoor recreation amenities are closed, effective immediately.
This list includes (but is not limited to) sports fields, basketball and tennis courts, the off-leash dog park, beach, skateboard parks, picnic areas, outdoor community gardens and park shelters will be closed. Tickets and/or fines will be issued for those who do not adhere to the closure.
Green spaces in parks, trails and ravines can remain open for pass-through access only, and visitors must maintain practice social/physical distancing of at least two metres apart from others.