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County not declaring an emergency, yet

Cobourg, ON – March 24, 2020 –  Northumberland County continues to monitor updates from the federal and provincial governments along with health authorities regarding the impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus), and is regularly assessing operations to ensure effective precautions are in place while delivering essential services to the community.

“I urge Northumberland residents to follow the guidance of our health authorities. Practice strict social distancing and, if you are returning from travel, please immediately self-isolate for 14 days,” states Warden Bob Sanderson. “We each have a responsibility to protect the vulnerable in our community and support our health care workers to effectively respond to this pandemic. It is up to every one of us to do what we can to flatten this curve.”

Emergency Declaration

On March 17, the Province declared a state of emergency, giving the government enhanced powers to ensure a swift response to emerging issues during this pandemic. 

At this time, Northumberland County has not declared a local state of emergency. The County Emergency Control Group—which includes the County Warden, the directors of the organization, and the Community Emergency Management Coordinator—continues to closely monitor the situation and assess continuity of County operations.

The Control Group has determined there is sufficient current capacity to meet community needs and maintain critical systems; a declaration is therefore not required at this time. The Control Group continues to evaluate new developments and will consider the need for a declaration of emergency as the situation evolves. 

Waste Services  

Weekly curbside collection continues as scheduled. The County encourages residents to make use of curbside services to dispose of their day-to-day waste, recyclables and green bin materials.

To further promote social distancing, the County’s Bewdley and Seymour waste transfer stations will be closed effective Wednesday, March 25th, and will remain closed until further notice.

The Brighton landfill remains open to accept waste from commercial customers and curbside collection trucks only; it is now closed to the public.

The Hope Transfer station remains open to accept waste from Port Hope rural ward residents only. Residents are advised that only bagged garbage with proper tagging is accepted at this time.

Virtual Meetings of County Council

The Province has enacted new legislation to allow municipalities to host public council meetings electronically. The County is currently reviewing this legislation to determine the necessary updates to the procedural By-law. The Warden will determine the next meeting of County Council in collaboration with staff, and details will be shared with the community. 

County Website

Service changes and facility closures are updated regularly on our dedicated web page

Stay Informed

Northumberland County recommends residents consult the following credible sources for information about COVID-19:

· Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit:

· The Ontario Ministry of Health:

· Public Health Agency of Canada: