Northumberland 89.7 FM

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Cobourg continues to provide services remotely

By Cecilia Nasmith

To slow the spread of COVID-19, the Town of Cobourg has announced extra precautionary measures such as allowing some staff to work remotely.

This is an opportunity that has been extended to employees at all work sites whenever and wherever possible. Managers have identified a flexible approach that also ensures critical operations and services continue.

The town acknowledges that working remotely is not feasible in some cases, such as when a function cannot be fulfilled anywhere other than a designated location. However, chief administrative officer Tracey Vaughan said in the announcement, “Staff that are in a role and situation that enables them to work from home have proven that they can effectively do so.

“Our focus on serving our community and moving the business of the municipality forward has never wavered.”

At this time, municipal buildings (with the exception of the Cobourg Community Centre) remain closed, but the town reiterates its commitment to deliver exceptional customer service.

“Continuing to move the business of the town forward remains at the forefront,” the press release said.

“Municipal staff are answering e-mails and responding to phone calls daily while also continuing to deliver services safely and effectively.”

As well, in-person appointments are still available where necessary in order to continue conducting municipal business – just contact the department to discuss this option. All departmental contact information is on the town's website under Contact Directory.

As new information comes in, and direction from the Province of Ontario and the local health unit is provided, the Town of Cobourg will also be issuing out press releases and updates. Residents are encouraged to stay informed by visiting the town's website and checking out the COVID-1i web pages, subscribing to the News Centre and following the town’s social media channels.

For the town’s complete list of services, along with contact information, please visit and click on Program and Service Updates.