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Latch On event aims to break world record

By Cecilia Nasmith

The Oct. 5 Latch On event in Cobourg will be part of a global challenge to set a new record for the most children breastfeeding at one time.

As well as being a shot at setting the record, members of the Northumberland Breastfeeding Coalition consider it an opportunity to celebrate breastfeeding and to connect with local agencies that can support families in child feeding and parenting.

Coalition member and Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit Public Health Nurse Jennifer Kurpjuweit said the hope is to promote breastfeeding in Northumberland so that it is seen as a normal and accepted practice.

While the benefits of breastfeeding to mothers and babies are well-known, the press release from the health unit noted that there can still be public unease at seeing a woman breastfeed in public.

“We want to normalize breastfeeding, especially when the Ontario Human Rights Commission and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom state that a woman has the right to feed her child in public,” Jurpjuweit said.

“We encourage people to join the count, connect with like-minded people in the community, and celebrate breastfeeding in Northumberland.”

The event is part of the Breastfeeding Challenge and Celebration, which takes place at the Cobourg Community Centre (750 D'Arcy St.). Doors open at 10 a.m. For a chance to browse various information booths featuring agencies and organizations that support local families. Raffle prizes will also be offered.

At 10:30 a.m., keynote speaker Abby West, of Mam a + Co. Physio discusses the importance of pelvic-floor health and neck and shoulder care that can support breastfeeding moms.

The Latch On takes place at 11 a.m. for breastfeeding mothers and their babies Those who would like to register for this part of the proceedings can get full details on the breastfeeding coalition’s Facebook page (

These local participants will join thousands of others around the globe as part of a record-setting attempt to get the most children breastfeeding at one time, with Cobourg one of 42 Canadian sites taking part in the challenge.

“We want to build on the momentum of past years, and encourage more people to come out this year to celebrate breastfeeding in Northumberland,” Kurpjuweit said.

The Northumberland Breastfeeding Coalition includes residents and professionals who work to support breastfeeding in Northumberland. For more information, call 1-866-888-4577, ext. 1267.