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Two-dog limit remains, Cobourg council decides

By Cecilia Nasmith

Cobourg council did review the heart-felt plea of Linda MacDonald on behalf of her four dogs, but this week decided that the two-dog limit per household should stand.

MacDonald was fully aware of the limit, but asked to be allowed to let her domestic dog population decrease naturally. Her two older dogs were far from well, she said, and they only acquired their two younger dogs in anticipation of losing the older ones.

Cobourg resident Mary Perron addressed council this week to argue in favour of the limit.

“More than two would likely make a great deal of noise, disturbing the peace and quiet of the neighbours,” Perron said.

“The potential for overcrowding of dogs would increase, and I wonder where it would end. More than two dogs could potentially increase some of the dogs' aggressiveness as well.”

Frankly, she said, she felt sorry for the dogs in such situations and urged council not to set a precedent with MacDonald.

Council supported the motion put forth by Deputy Mayor Suzanne Seguin to respectfully deny MacDonald's request for an exemption to Section 2.9 of the town's animal-control bylaw.

Council also agreed to an amendment set out by Councillor Emily Chorley – a May 31 deadline by which MacDonald is expected to be in compliance.