Northumberland 89.7 FM

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Beating The Heat

by Robert Washburn

The public health unit is urging people to stay cool and drink plenty of water over the Canada Day long weekend as Environment Canada says we will be facing its first significant heat wave of the summer.

Melissa Ivey, emergency management coordinator for the Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit, said it is essential everyone takes precautions during hot and humid days.

She is asking residents to find shade or somewhere with air conditioning or a cool place.

Drinking lots of water is also very important, she added.
She said consuming water regularly or at the first onset of thirst is vital to staying on top of dehydration.

People should also wear light, loose-fitting clothing.
Children, pets, and seniors should not be left alone in vehicles. Checking on neighbours, seniors or anyone living alone is highly recommended.

Municipalities will have cooling centres opened over the weekend. These locations can be found by going to the town’s website.

Northumberland 89.7 FM will also be announcing locations over the weekend.