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Cobourg Council News

by Cecilia Naismith

Cycle Transitions moves to bigger quarters

Originally set up at a building in Northam Industrial Park, the not-for-profit bicycle-repair shop Cycle Transitions has arranged to rent space at the former public works building at 390 King St. W., vacated when the department moved to a building in Northam Industrial Park.

Cycle Transitions, in turn, is having to vacate their current location in order that the building can be remodelled as part of the Venture 13 project.

The report from deputy director of public works Barry Thrasher indicates that the agreement is conditional upon all pertinent requirements being met, such as building permits, fire inspection, insurance, gate security and security regulations.

The group will rent 2,000 sq. ft. at $500 per month. They hope to make the move in early March, and to reopen in early April.

Councillor Forrest Rowden called it a good-news story for a non-profit agency that does such good work as providing bike repairs for those who can't afford them and arranging bike-safety education.

“Cycle Transitions have been looking for space since last year, and they have done a tremendous job in the Town of Cobourg over the last few years. I'm glad to see we have a space for them,” Rowden said.

“It's a great spot and a great use for the old town facility.”


Cobourg will host big bike events

Cobourg will host two big bicycle events this summer.

The Great Waterfront Trail Adventure takes place in July, with participants expected to arrive the afternoon of the 29th to camp overnight in Victoria Park and move on the following morning.

The Ontario Cycling Association Cobourg Grand Prix is planned for August. Councillor Suzanne Seguin's motion mentioned Aug. 11 or 12 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

“I'm assuming that second date is a rain date,” Seguin said.

The report from community-events co-ordinator Jackie Chapman Davis said the Great Waterfront Trail Adventure is a promotion for the Waterfront Trail, an annual eight-day 220-km. ride from Niagara to the Quebec border. Cobourg will be their first stop along the way, and 155 participants are expected.

“The Town of Cobourg hosted this same event in Victoria Park in 2010, with participants ranking it their number-one stop due to the close proximity to a wide variety of local restaurants and things to do,” Chapman Davis's report said.

She noted that, in 2010, the majority of participants chose to stay in local hotels rather than camp out. As for those who do, she said, “riders are a very quiet group, and most have retired for the evening by 9 p.m.”

The Cobourg Grand Prix is one of a series of Criterium rides around the province, each consisting of several laps around a closed circuit of 500 to 1,000 metres.

The Cobourg course is 1.9 km., and participants are expected from all over the province - “with their friends and families requiring accommodations in hotels and the Victoria Park campground, along with places to eat throughout the event and weekend,” the report predicted.


Cobourg bans vehicular traffic on east pier

If you enjoy driving to one of Cobourg's sites of natural beauty, be aware of the town's safety concerns.

Councillor Forrest Rowden made the announcement at council this week during co-ordinator reports, including the news that the town has had to begin banning vehicular traffic on the east pier due to high water conditions.

This is a traditional popular place for drivers to park and watch the action of the waves. But they have been a little too active of late, and staff do not want to allow drivers to take such a risk for now – at least until they have had a chance to do an assessment of the pier's condition and ascertain what repairs might be needed.


Cobourg police work on human-trafficking problem

Giving her co-ordinator announcements at Cobourg council this week, Councillor Debra McCarthy noted that the Cobourg Police Service has received a $1-milllion provincial grant to pursue the fight against human trafficking.

McCarthy defined this as non-consensual sex with women. Though one might associate this crime with bigger cities, she noted, Cobourg's location on the Highway 401 corridor means that it is at risk as well.

“This is a co-operative venture with police services in the area,” she said.

“Cobourg has received the grant for the Northumberland County Human Trafficking Strategy co-ordinator. That co-ordinator will work with community groups and other police services dealing with this issue.”

McCarthy also offered an update on another recent initiative the police have undertaken in conjunction with Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Services.

“The co-ordinator seconded from Cornerstone who works with victims of violence has panned out beautifully,” she said.

“They say they are seeing results already.”